Saturday, March 7, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
6th Floor Blog's Academy Awards
Welcome to the 6th floor.
Today's contributors are: Sara, Frank, and Scott.
Subject: 6th Floor Blog Oscars
Again, please update your links to The blog will be updated there shortly. Likely this is the last post via blogger.
Presenting 6th Floor Blog's Oscar nominees for must-see movies!
The Dark Knight
It seems like this movie only got recognition because Heath Ledger died after doing an excellent job portraying the Joker, but it was really an excellent movie. I'd even venture to say the best Batman movie ever.
I agree. It was a great movie; suspense, action, excitement. It borrowed from the comics obviously, but it was an original story, and a compelling one.
Quantum of Solace
Spectacular or not, you have to go see a Bond movie.
Action, explosion, gadgets, cars. It's hard to make a bad Bond movie, and that means it's always worth seeing.
The only thing to debate is if you liked the Bond Girl, or if the movie didn't have enough over the top explosions.
This is certainly not a serious movie, and as such would never ever be considered a 'great' movie, but I sure enjoyed watching it.
Sometimes complete ridiculousness, like curving bullets, is fun. All the silly stuff they do such as Angelina Jolie (and that's almost enough of a reason to see a movie in it of herself) scooping up the cowering 'hero' with her car., is just zany. Sometimes it's more fun to just say 'screw physics'.
That was my entire college philosophy!
We may be biased about this one, being in New York, but I felt this was a rather compelling movie, despite all the crazy cult hype.
The problem was people looking for a monster movie or comparing it to Godzilla. It wasn't about the monster, it was about the journey of the characters through the city while the monster attacked.
The reason they didn't just run for the border was a little bit of a stretch, but after you accept that, it was interesting. I enjoyed the different way it was filmed, as if from the camera the guy carried around the whole movie.
Now that was a little contrived. Who would keep carrying the damn thing around at that point? It must've been an awesome camera, but still, good movie.
I liked Iron Man. I know some didn't, but it was a good comic book movie, and he had some excellent cars.
It was half Iron Man, half Tony Stark. I think it was rather well done for an origin story movie. I'd like to see more.
He'll be in the Avengers movie right? When's that come out?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Frank's Hot
Welcome to the 6th floor.
Today's contributors are: Ann, Tabitha, Frank, and Scott.
Subject: Frank's Hot
Reminder: Shortly I'll be updating via wordpress at So update your links. Currently it'll redirect to here, so no worries.
Frank walks into Starbucks to meet Ann, Tabitha and Scott.
“When you called me and told me to come hang out at Starbucks, you should've told me it was warm out. I'm dying in this winter coat!” Frank exclaims, flinging his coat on a chair and sitting down.
“You have heard of checking the weather right? They publish this sort of information.”
“Or you could've turned around and gone back upstairs once you realized it was warm today.”
“I didn't think to check, I figured it was February. And cold. And once I was outside, no way I was headed all the way back upstairs.”
“True, you're late as it is.”
“Hey! Frank made it! Howyadoingbuddy?” Scott says, walking over from behind the counter.
“I'm hot.”
“That's what she said!”
Tabitha punches Scott in the arm.
“Ow! You been working out or something?”
“Just the practice I get from punching you. You seem to be saying an extraordinary amount of punch-worthy things lately.”
“Your normal Cappuccino Frank?”
“Nah, I gotta have something cold. How about one of those new Tazo-lattes?”
“Of course, a blender drink.” Scott mutters under his breath, walking away.
“You guys want to watch the Oscars on Sunday?”
“Sure. I'm hoping Milk does well, I liked that movie.”
“I haven't really seen any of those movies. I was talking about this with Sara, I don't think these are ever really the 'best' movies of the year. They only consider a small subset of movies,always the 'artsy' ones.”
“I almost never have seen many of the nominees, I watch movies for entertainment.”
“I think most people do. I'd rather read a book for a great story, there is only so much you can do in a two hour movie.”
“I'm going to make myself a list of the real best movies of the year. “
“Oooh..I'll help you with that.” Scott says, dropping off Frank's drink.
“You're working.”
“Tonight then. I'm sure Sara wants to help anyway.”
Monday, February 16, 2009
6th Floor Blog Goes to the Movies: Taking Woodstock
Today's contributors are: Ann, Sara, Frank.
Subject: 6th Floor Blog Goes to the Movies: Taking Woodstock
Please update any links and such to Sometime this week I'll be switching everything to there and updating the blog at that url and via wordpress. This is also the perfect time to contact us about exchanging links or site suggestions or whatever.
Sara and Frank stroll into the 6th floor Wednesday night and Ann looks up from her book.
“Where have you guys been?”
“I got these two free tickets to see a pre-release screening of a movie. Sounded cool, so I took Frank.”
“Aww, a date. How cute.”
“He was just the only one around when I got home today to go with me.”
“The benefits of not having a 'real' job!”
“What was the movie?”
“Taking Woodstock, directed by Ang Lee.”
“It was surprisingly good. Based on the autobiography of Elliot Tiber.”
“His parents owned a failing motel upstate, and he helped get the Woodstock people to come play there.”
“There was plenty of raving nudity and drug use too. The whole movie was like a 'free love' rave.”
“Seems to be how I'd think of Woodstock.”
“I was surprised how much I liked it actually. Woodstock wasn't really my scene. And he never even made it to the stage!”
“That amused me too. And how the Turnpike was backed up for miles that they had to close it. You know they're having a Woodstock 2009 right?”
“It can't be the same. You can't recapture that peaceful mania.”
“There would be too much security, too much worry, too many restrictions.”
“The police would be there in force, arresting thousands of people. No way people would be skinny dipping, doing drugs, and having sex all over the place these days.”
“No way. Like I said, no way you can recapture that. It's pure nostalgia.”
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Hot Chocolate Festival
Welcome to the 6th floor.
Today's contributors are: Ann, Sara, Tabitha
Subject: Hot Chocolate Festival
“It's that time of month again.”
“Pills are in the medicine cabinet.”
“No no..not that time of month. This time of month!” Sara holds up her City Bakery cup.
“Hot chocolate festival! Which one is that?!”
“Arabian Nights hot chocolate.”
“Sounds intriguing.”
“I think it's..”
“No no, let me guess. I'd say it'd have to be some sort of middle eastern spice. Maybe some cardamom? Saffron? Tumeric?”
“Very possibly. Something citrusy. Orange peel maybe. Or I guess it could be saffron. What do I know?”
“I want to go for Sunken Treasure Hot Chocolate.”
“Hershey kiss at the bottom of the cup?”
“Maybe. Can I have a sip Sara?”
Monday, February 9, 2009
6th Floor Super Bowl
Welcome to the .
Today's contributors are: Ann, Sara, Tabitha, Frank, Billy and Scott.
Subject: Super Bowl Sunday
Quick note before I get on with the post. I've connected with a domain, so now the official link of the blog is Likely switching to wordpress, but working on getting the starts of an acceptable theme setup, so as of now, that link redirects. But it won't. I've commissioned Sara to start tweaking some stuff, for instance, the width of the site. It was stupid and small prior, and I always felt like things were getting squished. I should've done this a while ago. I also need to fix the header graphic now, as it looks tiny.
“Vegas was a blast, but I'm glad I got the red-eye and am here for Super Bowl Sunday! Woo, go Steelers!”
“I think I'm going with the underdog story in the Cardinals.”
“I'm just hoping it ends. Some cool commercials, like last year, couldn't hurt.”
“Good football, good snacks.. That's all I need.”
“I've already resolved myself that football is over, and there is no way the game will be as good as last year.”
“Baseball season! Baseball! Pitchers and catchers report in like two weeks!”
“Rather giddy aren't you? You'd think you'd have learned by now, yet every spring you get your hopes up, and every October you're a miserable wreck of a person for two weeks.”
“Bah! This year IS the year. You just wait and see.”
---------Football Game----------
“I dunno Scott. That game was pretty exciting.”
“Last year was better.”
“Two Super Bowls for Ben Roethlisberger now. Are we going to get Eli-Ben comparisons again about how the Giants should’ve taken him?”
“No, I think Eli’s fine. I’m sure some idiots will bring that up on WFAN, but Eli won last year, he didn’t have a great post season this year, but I don’t think anyone’s worried.”
“So, how lame was the 3D glasses thing?
“Hated it. The commercials weren’t bad, the the idea that they actually sent out millions of glasses around the country?”
“Would’ve been lamer if Tabitha hadn’t spotted the glasses and picked them up for us.”
“That’s true. Kudos Tab. Maybe I’ll even watch Chuck tonight to make the most use of them.”
“There were some funny commercials..but in general I think this year failed. Maybe the economy caused the ad agencies to let some of their people go?”
“You’d think they’d be smart enough to keep the funny guys though.”
“You know what the big-wigs thing is funny, and what’s actually funny are usually completely different things.”
“It’s the old adage: Most people end up doing the job that’s one level above what they’re good at.”
“That can't be true. It implies that most people are doing things they're not good at.”
“Explains the state of our country though.”
“Hard to argue that.”
Friday, February 6, 2009
Snow Storm
Welcome to the 6th floor.
Today's contributors are: Ann, Sara, Tabitha, Frank, Billy and Scott.
Subject: Snow Storm
“I think the snow is out to get me.” Scott announces as he shows up at Catalina’s to meet everyone for dinner.
Scott drapes his snow-laden jacket over the back of the chair and sits.
“Every direction I turned, the snow was coming right at me!”
“Yeah. It’s a little rough out there today.”
“I’m glad we decided on Catalina’s and not somewhere else. I’m freezing just from walking this short distance from the 6th Floor.”
“It’s not as cold as it could be, but it’s hard to see more than 10 feet in front of you.”
“I almost feel bad for the tourists. All the street signs are plastered with snow; it’s hard to know where you’re going.”
“Getting lost in New York and seeing new and exciting things is a rite of passage.”
“Rite of passage? I don’t know if I’d agree with that assessment.”
“Well, at least they’ll be able to run home confirming that New York in the winter is a weather disaster and a frigid uninhabitable nightmare.”
“That’s blown out of proportion. It’s not like New York is Maine. Sure we get some nasty, ice-cold days, but I think tourists lump us in with Upstate New York and ‘New England Winters’ too much.”
“I prefer this to some of those sticky, 100 degree summer days.”
“The city smells better in the winter.”
“Hard to argue that one. Ignoring the occasional syrup smell anyway.”
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Take the Red Pill
Welcome to the 6th floor.
Today's contributors are: Ann, Sara, Tabitha, Billy and Scott.
Subject: 6th Floor Blog Takes the Red Pill
“I feel like re-watching the Matrix Trilogy.
It’s been a while. You guys in?”
“Wasn’t a huge fan of the endings, but I’ll start at least.”
“I’m always in for the Matrix. Give me that red pill.”
“Blue pill is probably a safer bet.”
“Come on! That’s no fun.”
“He’s right. If Neo took the blue pill.. We’d have no movie!”
“Have you ever stopped to think…Maybe you already took the blue pill?”
“If you take the blue pill, everything goes back to normal. You don't get unlocked from the Matrix. You forget it even existed. So if you took'd forget even taking it.”
“I'd like to think I wouldn't have taken the blue pill if given the chance, so that means I haven't already taken it.”
“Taking the blue pill doesn't solve anything though. In the Matrix, Neo is searching for answers. Taking the blue pill doesn't provide him that. It may make him forget the questions, but inevitably he'll just think up those questions again.”
“Can you take the blue pill more than once?”
“I guess so. After a while, Morpheus would probably get tired of him showing up though. Might just whack him.”
“Morpheus: You again? Here, let me write you a prescription.”
“Okay, I'm hitting play. Get over here.”
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
6th Floor Super Bowl Snacks
Today's contributors are: Tabitha, Billy and Scott.
Subject: 6th Floor's Snack Post
“I want to talk about something to you that's very important to me.” Billy says solemnly, looking at Scott and Tabitha sitting on the couch across from him.
“What kind of snacks are we having on Saturday? And what type of food for dinner?”
Scott snickers.
“Ann and I are going shopping tomorrow. We'll get a bunch of chips and frozen appetizers and the like.”
“Get some of those little, wrapped hot dog things.”
“Pigs in a blanket?”
“Yes! Those!”
“I saw this delicious recipe for Guinness brownies. We should make those!”
“Beer brownies?” Tabitha makes a face. “That's on you.”
“Well, first we'll need some Guinness.”
“That's a given.”
“One for the brownies, one to drink while you make the brownies?”
“Yeah! I like the way you think Tabitha.”
“I'm just hoping for good commercials anyway. Like last year.”
“No changing the topic. Should we order food on Sunday?”
“You know food always takes a decade to get here on Super Bowl Sunday.”
“We could order early.”
“Order at the start of the second inning..”
“Whatever. And then it should be ready for half time right? Who's performing this year?”
“Springsteen? Geeze, they're sure playing it safe these days.”
“Springsteen's good though..”
“He is..but it's still safe. Just don't think that's the right reason to pick a band.”
“Any other snack requests?”
“No, I trust your judgment.”
“You do?”
“No. But I trust you'll shop early and I'll be able to bitch about your choices early enough to get more stuff.”
Tabitha rolls her eyes.