Welcome to the 6th floor.
Today's contributors are: Ann, Sara, Tabitha, Frank, Billy and Scott.
Subject: Semi-Live Oscar Blog
“You know what annoys me the most about the Oscars? The short films. I want to be able to see them!!”
“I agree with you on that. At least put them online or something. The way it is it’s definitely the most ‘who cares’ part of the show.”
“We actually saw short films at Tribeca last year, but none of them were even nominated.”
“I would’ve loved to see Onion Underwater up there.”
“Yeah, I really enjoyed that one. The cow one was kind of interesting too.”
“Last year I actually spent some time searching the Internet trying to find some of the nominated films. I had absolutely no luck.”
“I think they should have a ‘best quote’ category. ‘Take the gun, Leave the cannoli!’”
“Hey! I’m walking here, I’m walking here!”
“What were some good quotes from last year?”
“I can’t think of any off the top of my head.”
“It’d probably end up tainted anyway. They’d vote for all the artsy meaningful quotes.”
“I don’t know if I’d even bother watching if it wasn’t Jon Stewart hosting.”
“I’m only really watching for the outfits. I didn’t go out and see most of the popularly nominated movies.”
“Wow, Bourne Ultimatum is actually nominated for something?”
“You didn’t like it?”
“No, I liked it. I just didn’t expect it to get any respect from the Academy.”
“Oh, Transformers! All those cool robot sounds? That’s gotta win sound editing.”
“Wow, Bourne won. Nice.”
“Sound mixing? What’d the difference between editing and mixing?”
“Sound editing is creating and fixing the sounds for the movie, mixing is basically adjusting all the volumes for the sounds and voices so they sound good.”
“No way Bourne’s going to win twice. They’ll want to spread it out.”
“Bourne again. Nice. A movie I’ve actually seen and enjoyed.”
“Wii! They’re playing Wii sports!”
“That’s freaking awesome.”
“I’d love to play games on a screen that size.”
“Me too. Oh..another musical performance. These are kind of boring me.”
“I think Juno is the only best picture nominee that I have even a little interest in seeing. If there were more of the movies I enjoyed last year, maybe I wouldn’t be so bored watching some of this.”
“That’s why I’m blogging through it. I’m glad we’re on Tivo and able to skip some of the commercials.”
“Bourne won film editing too. Wow, I bet no one suspected that would win three Oscars.”
“I guess they really liked how the movie was made. I wonder if they really even care about the story.”
“Have to see if it wins a writing award.”
“Is it nominated for one?”
“Dunno. Guess we’ll wait and see.”
“If I don’t fall asleep first.”
“If you do the results are in the paper tomorrow anyway.”
“It’s 10:40. Probably less than an hour remaining, I think you can tough it out.”
“That’s true. You know Sara, looking at that list of the recent best picture nominees, they’re not always all these artsy uninteresting ones like you claim. Gladiator? Lord of the Rings?”
“You’re right. Maybe it’s just lately. There is always next year.”
“Anyone want to make a bet on Best Picture?”
“Nah, but I’m tired of trying to write and watch so I’m going to stop. My guess at Best Picture is Atonement.”
“I’ll go with Juno just to be different.”
Ya he visto algunos hay ...
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