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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sara's New Job

Welcome to the 6th floor.

Today's contributors are: Ann, Sara, Frank and Scott.

Subject: Sara's New Job

Sara strolls in around seven o'clock and plops on the couch, gesturing to Frank and then to the fridge.

So how was your first day of work Sara?”

Frank grabs two beers from the fridge, opens them and hands one to Sara.

Could've gone better.” Sara says, after a long pull from the beer bottle.

The people nice?”

Too early to tell. They seem nice enough. Jersey City is a freaking dump though.”

Didn't we tell you that Jersey sucked?”

North Jersey is nice. I don't think I've been to Jersey City though. Not nice huh?”

Nope. Path train isn't too bad though. The seats are more uncomfortable, but there are much less people on it than the subway.”

Reverse commute I guess. That's nice at least.”

They had trouble setting up some of my accounts, so I wasn't even able to do much. A lot of reading.”

Weren't prepared for you? But you accepted like three weeks ago!”

I know. Hopefully not a sign of things to come.”

It'll probably get better when you settle in.”

Speaking of settling in, they don't have a space for me yet. My desk is literally in the kitchen, with four other people.”

In the kitchen? That's classic. I always knew a woman's place was in the kitchen..”

At least you're not far from your precious coffee beans.”

I wish I was farther! You know how hard it is to take a break to get coffee when the machine's practically on your desk?!”

Oooh..that sucks. And you don't smoke, so you can't even take a smoke break.”

Take your coffee breaks by leaving and getting Starbucks.”

Actually, there is no Starbucks in Journal Square. There is a Dunkin' Donuts, but no Starbucks. It's a horrible place.”

Who knows, maybe you'll find something better elsewhere. At least you have insurance right?”

Yeah, I will in two months. And I actually get transportation reimbursement which is cool.”

That is pretty nifty. Another beer?”

Definitely. Bring one for Scott too, I saw him eying mine when he walked in.”

I just love your bottles.”

That doesn't even make any sense.”

You might as well have one too Ann.” Frank says, passing out beer.

Terrific. Tuesday night, Friday night. It's always time for beer right?”

It's always happy hour somewhere in the world. Cheers!” Scott raises his beer bottle, and the others clink theirs to his.

1 comment:

Sharon from the Valley said...

Well, congrats on the job Sara and don't let them make fun of you!