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Thursday, January 15, 2009

TiVo Logjam: 24

Welcome to the 6th floor.

Today's contributors are: Sara, Tabitha, Frank, Billy and Scott.

Subject: 24

24 Premier tonight. Two hours worth!”

And two hours worth tomorrow. That's 1/6th the season already. Isn't that crazy?”

I just caught up! Well almost..I need to watch that movie, Redemption.”

Go watch it now. Then we can watch the episodes tonight.”

But I..”

Go!” Frank picks up the remote and turns on the tv and goes to the TiVo menu.

Here, You've got three hours. More than enough time. Tabitha will bring your dinner into the living room.”

I will?”

Me too, while you're at it. I meant to watch it last Sunday, but I forgot.” Scott says, joining Sara on the couch.

Oh, fine. Not like I don't have better things to do.”

Do you?”

Truthfully..No. Sad life isn't it?”

And while you're in there Tab, could you..”

Bring you a beer? Sure, why not.”

Tabitha mutters 'very healthy' under her breath and gets a beer

I'm surprised we have any left at the rate you guys drink them.”

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