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Monday, January 26, 2009

Frank's Escape

Welcome to the 6th floor.

Today's contributors are: Ann, Sara, Tabitha, Billy and Scott.

Subject: Frank's Escape

“I'm so tired of the cold!” Tabitha shouts from the couch, curled up in a ball in a blanket and drinking hot chocolate.

“Relax Tab, it's not that cold out.”

“I hear it's well below freezing in Buffalo today.”

“Contrary to belief, knowing that's it's colder elsewhere doesn't make it warmer here.”

“That's very deep. Maybe you just need another blanket.”

“If you give her more blankets, she may drown!”

“At least Frank's warm.”

“Frank's warm? Wait..where is he?”


“VEGAS?! And no one told me? You know how I hate being left in the dark.”

“Sorry, he made us promise not to tell you right away.”

“I shouldn't be surprised. Can I call him and berate him? He's probably still asleep given west coast time.”

“Go for it, he'll probably get a kick out of you being annoyed.”

“Sometimes I think he goes on these trips as much to get a rise out of you as for any other reason.”

“Ugh, so when is he coming back?”

“Dunno. Later?”

“You never ask the important questions.”

“I'm sure he'll be back for the Super Bowl.”

“Well Tabitha, you don't look cold anymore.”

“This really gets the blood boiling huh?”

“If Frank keeps pulling stunts like this we may be able to save on heating.”

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