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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

5..4..3...2....1.....Happy New Year!!

Welcome to the 6th floor.

Today's contributors are: Sara, Tabitha, Frank, and Scott.

Subject: 5..4...3...2...1....Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!” Frank shouts, blowing on a noise maker as he enters the 6th Floor wearing giant 2008 flashing light-up glasses with the 0’s as eyeholes.

12 hours Frank. The new year starts at midnight, not noon.”

I can’t believe you bought those glasses.”

I can’t believe you didn’t buy a pair for Tabitha!”

Oh! But I did!” Frank says, pulling out five more pairs of glasses. “And for you too!”


I wonder what they're going to do in 2010. No more double zeros for eyeholes.”

They could make the 1 a little higher up on the nose, and use both zeros still.”

Maybe, but once they get to 2011 it's definitely over.”

That's kind of sad. I've grown accustomed to seeing those silly glasses around.”

I thought you hated wearing those silly glasses.” Scott says, entering the room.

I do! I still like seeing everyone else wearing those silly glasses though!”

Scott takes a pair and puts them on. “I have to go to work for a couple of hours. I'm going to wear these silly glasses the whole time!”

Oh, and don't start rocking in the New Year until I get back!” Scott waves, and exits.

Well then. I know Ann invited Amy and Sue, but do you know who else she invited?”

A bunch of people. Most of them aren't showing up though, so no worries. I think maybe Mike from downstairs, and that might be it.”

You mean Mike from upstairs right? I don't think we know any Mikes downstairs.”

Sure, maybe. I don't know where he lives. I only ever see him downstairs, and I don't often take that sketchy elevator up so I don't see where he gets off.”

I probably should take the stairs more often, it's good exercise. I don't see what you have against the elevator though.”

I think it might be the feeling that I'm in a coffin that does it. And it certainly has a distinct odor.”

I know they clean it, I've seen them cleaning it. I don't know why it still smells like that.”

The stairs are safer..although I should be careful tonight and tomorrow. It always seems like stairwells are where drunk people go to puke.”

I've noticed that too!”

So..Anyone want to see if Scott is really wearing those glasses at work?”

I was thinking the same thing.”

The three of them rise, grab their jackets and head out to see Scott at work.

Before you ask, he did have them on when we arrived. When we arrived, an old lady was praising him for being in the spirit of the holiday while she ordered her frappachino.